Our Story

In the heart of a lush conservation area in Taranaki, New Zealand, our journey begins. We are more than just beekeepers and honey providers; we are guardians of an exceptional piece of native forest, a land that is home to the native kiwi.  This unique heritage inspires every aspect of our work, with our mission to produce the finest honey, while safeguarding the habitat of these iconic birds along with other endangered species.

Years ago, we recognised the threat that predators posed to the kiwi population.  We believed that the beauty and vitality of our land lay in the balance of its native species, so we partnered with the Kiwi Trust to protect and nurture this irreplaceable ecosystem. Our commitment led us to participate in the groundbreaking 'Operation Nest Egg,' where kiwi eggs were carefully taken from our land and raised in a safer environment until they were capable of fending for themselves. Today we rejoice as our native forest is on a very small list of properties with permission to have adult kiwi released, a testament to our hard work to create a safe habitat for them.  From establishing our protected reserve for kiwi, our 'Kiwi Reserve' honey was born.

In addition to protecting our kiwi and other endangered species, we are actively working on extensive native tree plantation and reforestation. This symbiotic relationship between our bees, the kiwi, other endangered species and the land, is at the heart of our business.  A portion of the profits from every jar of honey sold goes back into our conservation work, ensuring the protection and preservation of our precious biodiversity for future generations.  The sweetness in every spoonful of our honey isn't just from the nectar; it's from knowing that each purchase contributes to the wellbeing of the kiwi, along with many other endangered native species, as well as their natural habitat.

We invite you to join us on our journey, savour our honey, and help us protect the beautiful land we call home.